green cola (cyprus) snack

 green cola (cyprus) snack

In mine and B's world we thought this was going to be "Green" in colour, so to say we were disappointed just about covers it, as you can see in the picture it's normal brown colour!

It is called green cola as it is made from green coffee beans and plants. (Thanks google for info!) It has no added sugars, aspartame, preservatives and natural caffine. 

Aside from its lack of colour it looked like any other can of cola and had fizzy bubbles when we poured it into a glass. Smell was that of cola and taste was. The texture was normal liquid. 

Mum - taste 3/5, texture 5/5, smell 5/5, appearance 2/5 * taste is low as i dont drink cola not because this was bad
B - taste 5/5, texture 5/5 smell 5/5, appearance 3/5

we didnt match
