Chakalaka soup (Mozambique) snack

 Chakalaka soup (Mozambique)

Soup isn't exactly a snack, especially if you compare it to most of the other things we have tried, BUT there is a reason this was bought! Last year B did a topic on birds of the rainforest and we sat and watched bird cams etc and one of the birds was a Chakalaka! It made us laugh so much as it didnt walk but sort of danced and then stopped and then danced again. Anyways, i saw this soup and had to get it! B said he wasn't eating it as it had the bird in it, it was only when he googled in ingredients he found out it idnt have the bird in it.

We followed the instructions on how to make the soup, however, it took much longer than 6minutes it said and was nearly 20minutes before it started to thicken.

It had a very earthy vegetable smell as well as spices and wasnt nice. It was a rich brown with herbs and spices floating about in it.

Once it was cooked we tried it. Neither of us could eat more than a few mouthfuls due to the heat from the spices of it. The taste was nice but different. We were glad i didnt make it into a curry like it said you could as we think it would have been far too hot.

Mum - taste 2/5, texture 4/5, smell 2/5, appearance 3/5
B - taste 2/5, texture 4/5, smell 2/5, appearance 3/5

we matached
