Yuraku Thunder bar (Japan)
This poor bar didn't stand much of a chance from the very start as it had nuts and what looked like raisins in it.When we opened the packet the was a strong smell of proper cocoa and nuts. The bar was quite soft in texture and very easy to break in half. You could see the nuts on the inside. As it happens there wasn't raisins in it (thanks google). It was like biting into a chocolate brownie texture, but with chewy bits.
The actual taste was as the smell a very strong cocoa and nut mix, and this wasnt to our taste. It wasn't even like a dark chocoalte taste. It did leave an after taste that was quite bitter in your mouth. With how rich it is i would say it would be good as a snack for hiking.
We would not eat these again.
Mum - taste 1/5, texture 2/5, smell 4/5, appearance 2/5
B - taste 2/5, texture 2/5, smell 3/5, appearance 3/5
not matched
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