Mochi strawberry bar (Taiwan)

 Mochi strawberry bar (Taiwan)

I had no idea what to expect from these, B tried to explain as he had heard of them. Open opening the packet there wasnt much of a smell, but sort of gelatine. My initial thought was they looked like boobs (sorry if anyone is offended!) The texture was very strange and i didnt like the feel of it - the inside seemed to move seperately to the outside and is was a soft rubbery feel. I ripped mine open to see what the inside was like and it was like a jelly and marshmallow effect.

Despite me not liking the look or the texture i was brave enough to try one of them. I didnt like it at all, B ate his but said wouldnt eat again. 

From a google search they are not gelatine as such but made from a type of rice.

Mum - taste 1/5, texture 1/5, smell 1/5, appearance 1/5 (smell was because didnt have much not cos it was bad)
B - taste 2/5, texture 2/5, smell 1/5, appearance3/5

both scored low but B slighty higher
