Kancho snack (Korea)
The Kancho snack look very similar to one we can get in a local shop that are UK made, therefore these had a good chance of being rated high if they met we expected of them.
Inside the box was a a sealed foil packet which had the biscuits inside. There wasnt much of a smell but a slight chocolate hint combined with biscuit.They had different iamages and words on, some were not very clear to make out what they were. These would be liked by children. They were a savory biscuit that was filled with chocolate so sweet and savory mix (this seems popular out in Asia). The texture was that of biscuit and chocolate.
We would eat them again.
Mum - 5/5 taste, 5/5 texture, smell 2/5, appearance 3/5
B - taste 4/5, texture 4/5, smell 2/5, appearance 3/5
Rating fairly close
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